Sunday, April 11, 2010

fancy flower vases

My kids love to pick flowers for me. They have a gift for picking the most beautiful bloom...right under the bud. No stem. This weekend my son Roland picked the only bloom in my garden. I smiled, said thank you and through gritted teeth tried to figure out a way to enjoy my beautiful yellow bloom for a few more days. The stem wasn't long enough for a vase & then, it hit me! I have a dozen close to empty kid's medicine bottles, tons of fabric scraps and a hot glue gun! I'll make my own kid sized vase! It took all of five minutes, here's how:
Grab one of the dozen close to empty, or outdated kid's medicine bottles in your cabinet.

I think the clear ones look the best once they are dolled up.
Wash them out real good. And try and peel off the labels the best you can. (really not that important- we'll be covering them up anyway).

Now that you've got your bottle, grab a fabric scrap & a pair of pinking shears (fancy scissors for you craft-a-billies). And plug in your hot glue gun. Cut the fabric to fit around your bottle. If the label is still on (depending on the thickness of your fabric) you may want to cut the length to go around twice.
Dot a line of glue down the long length of your bottle. Then press your fabric and hold. Martha always says to keep a little bowl of water by your glue gun & I agree. Hot glue + fingers = ouch! Wrap the fabric around the bottle and glue the end. Add water, tiny stemmed picked with love flower bud, and enjoy!


  1. You are crazy and I LOVE it! I'm inspired (and just a little bit ticked off). :)

  2. That is an awesome idea. I love it. I have a billion medicine bottles around here. Never thought of that. Another good idea is to glue sponges to the medicine bottles to let the kids use them to paint with. :)
